Can you tell me how to get to a Beaches Resort on Sesame Beach?

Written by William Lezubski

If you're wondering how to find a Beaches Resort on Sesame Beach, sorryrepparttar beach doesn't exist, however,repparttar 140316 resort does! Can you imagine while you're relaxing byrepparttar 140317 pool, fromrepparttar 140318 corner of your eye you see fuzzy creatures running wild onrepparttar 140319 property. No, you're not crazy, or got too much sun. Beaches has launched a new partner program with Sesame Street®, and a number of your children's favorite characters are on board to offer any family that is interested inrepparttar 140320 experience of a lifetime!

Kids of all ages will be able to share their Beaches vacation with Elmo & Friends with daily themed activities from: story time with Elmo, Exploring with Grover, and dancing with Zoe. Also available are Character breakfasts, Character parades, and baking with Cookie Monster!

Known asrepparttar 140321 best Ultra All Inclusive resorts for families, Beaches offers more ways to play than any other resort inrepparttar 140322 Caribbean. The resorts activities have gone torepparttar 140323 next level for family entertainment, and if you happen to be un-familiar with these luxury properties in paradise, you will soon realize that they arerepparttar 140324 best in entertaining and creating memorable experiences for adults and children alike.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Written by Steven N. Ng

The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one ofrepparttar Seven Wonders ofrepparttar 140295 Ancient World. It isrepparttar 140296 most recent Wonder to be built, having been built duringrepparttar 140297 reign of Ptolemy I of Egypt, a commander under Alexanderrepparttar 140298 Great who took over control of Egypt after Alexander's death. Historical records indicate thatrepparttar 140299 Lighthouse was commissioned in 290 B.C. and completed some 2 decades later.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria is alsorepparttar 140300 most well-recorded ofrepparttar 140301 six destroyed members ofrepparttar 140302 Seven Wonders of The Ancient World (the Pyramids of Giza beingrepparttar 140303 only Wonder still standing), since it was still in operation until a serious of earthquakes demolishedrepparttar 140304 structure over a few decades inrepparttar 140305 early 14th century.

Since it survived until so recently,repparttar 140306 writings of many ofrepparttar 140307 travelers who visitedrepparttar 140308 Lighthouse of Alexandria also survived till this day, vividly describing whatrepparttar 140309 Lighthouse looked like and what it was used for.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built onrepparttar 140310 island of Pharos just offrepparttar 140311 coast of Alexandria, Egypt. As such, it was also commonly known asrepparttar 140312 Pharos Lighthouse. The Lighthouse was designed byrepparttar 140313 famed architect Sostratus, and was so complicated that it took 2 decades to be completed. The best description came fromrepparttar 140314 writings of Arab traveler Abou-Haggag Al-Andaloussi when he visitedrepparttar 140315 Pharos Lighthouse in 1166.

The writings indicated thatrepparttar 140316 structure consisted of 4 main sections. Atrepparttar 140317 bottom was a platform filled with statues that are still being discovered by present-day divers offrepparttar 140318 coast of Alexandria. Some researchers believe that ships docked just off this platform as well.

On top of this platform stood a square structure measuring 18 m (60 ft) on each side and roughly 56 m (184 ft) tall. Inrepparttar 140319 middle of this section is a shaft and stairwell used for transporting material and fuel uprepparttar 140320 Pharos Lighthouse, and for visitors as well. The third section was an eight-sided structure measuring roughly 27 m (90 ft) high. It also contained a similar transportation shaft inrepparttar 140321 middle.

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